A fresh cup of thought on the daily grind of a cafe manager.

Toddy Cold Press CoffeeIn my cafe days, Toddy or cold-pressed coffee, had a bit of a cult following with the baristas. I was famous for making all kinds of concoctions with the stuff; seltzer water and toddy, diet coke and toddy, milk, chocolate powder and toddy, etc… But I had never tried it as plain old hot cup of coffee. I recently received this liquid gold machine for Christmas, and it has transformed my mornings. My pre-Toddy life consisted of the slow French Press process; heating up the water on the stove, grinding the coffee, steeping it for five minutes and pouring only two cups worth of coffee. A hectic morning does not allow for this indulgence. With my Toddy machine I make a hot coffee for the morning and an iced coffee for the road. Its beautiful! I am not convinced the taste of hot cup of Toddy coffee is better than a well infused French Press, but it is definitely faster. The brewing process of Toddy is brilliant; creating a smooth, bright and delicately low acidity in the cup. It is absolutely the best method for an iced coffee drink. However, I do miss the flavors brought out during the chemical reactions that take place in any hot water brewing method; as any coffee geek would know 206 degrees is the magic number for capturing all the flavor a bean has to offer.

I suppose the only other negative to the Toddy system, besides the slightly lackluster profile it produces, is how quickly I go through a pound of beans. Because I brew an entire pound at a time, I can go through it in a matter of days!

Ultimately, cold press coffee is an convenient hot cup and a delicious cold cup.

Welcome to lovealatte.com!

Ironically, my first post on this coffee blog is as an ex-barista/cafe manager,
but if you read my “about me” you know that I had been working in coffee for
nearly five years, and its a deeply rooted passion of mine.
Good news though, coffee and I parted ways on good terms! I am still in love
with this industry and stay on top of the coolest products and cafes around.

So, if you are wondering why I am no longer barista-ing, well, a long story short, I am just trying something new.
I will always be a part of this scene at heart and hope to return to it physically in some dynamic.

So I guess you can consider this a “fresh cup of thought from a currently ex-barista”

Stay tuned!


  • Grind

  • Brew

  • Enjoy